Karry S.

  • 9 January 2023
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 927
Karry S.

Karry Simmerman was able to pursue her dream career with the financial assistance of the Connect to Your Future program. She wanted to go into the Veterinary Medical field because she wanted to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Animals are the most innocent beings on this planet, and she wanted to ensure someone is there to fight for their rights and ensure they are taken care of. Since she was a baby, she always had a connection with animals that she has held closely to her heart. 

The Connect to Your Future Program made her journey of becoming the best veterinary nurse achievable. Without the program, she would not have been able to afford to go through the JJC Veterinary Medical Technology Program and pursue her dream career. Without the support of the Connect to Your Future Program's kind, supportive staff, the journey would have been far more difficult. Between supportive words and pep talks and checking in with her on a monthly basis, they truly helped her stay motivated and confident.

She is currently working as a Certified (Licensed) Veterinary Technician at Rusty Ridge Animal Center. She plans to further her education and credentials by getting her Veterinary Technician Specialty (VTS) in Clinical Practice. 

A quote that resonates best with her and represents her journey is, "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning." --Albert Einstein

Her advice for other youth in our area is: Never lose hope. Never give up on your dreams even if you do not think you are capable. You can do anything you put your mind to. Live for yourself, no one else, and do not doubt your abilities. Never stop improving and always do your best. Be kind to yourself and know that it is okay to need help. We are all in this together.

Categories: Success Stories
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