Will County's top 20 occupations most in demand, and top occupations broken down by Industry.
This chart includes unemployment rates for each county in the Chicago Metropolitan Region, Illinois and the U.S. for the current month, last month, and a monthly comparison to one year ago.
The Will County Economic Overview provides a quarterly snapshot of key characteristics in areas of population, industry, business, workforce, education and more.
Information available on jobs, occupations, industries, wages, unemployment and business-related statistics that gives an overview of the economic climate in Will County.
The Pace Commuter Toolkit is designed to assist employers with educating their workforce on their workday commute, starting or enhancing a commuter program and providing ready-to-use materials and money-saving resources.
Additional Resources
Workforce Links
The Workforce Partners of Metropolitan Chicago
Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership
DuPage County Workforce Innovation Board
Lake County Workforce Investment Board
McHenry County Workforce Investment Board
Kane, Kendall, DeKalb Workforce Development Division
Grundy Livingston Kankakee Workforce Board
Will County Workforce Services Division
Illinois Workforce Partnership
National Association of Workforce Boards
Workforce Center of Will County
Will County Links
Will County Government
Will County Center for Economic Development
Will County Governmental League
Government Links
US Department of Labor - Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Department of Labor Employment & Training Administration
Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
Labor Market Information
Illinois Department of Employment Security
US Department of Labor
Welfare to Work
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